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Secret Beach 50m/100k

General Description: 
This section of the Oregon Coast is rugged, remote and stunning! The courses go from running on the sandy beaches to grassy bluffs hundreds of feet above waves crashing into the rocks below to deep dark old growth forest to old sand dunes now covered in trees to tree tunnels and so many other variations. It's one jaw dropping, camera grabbing view after another, all day long! You're going to be smiling ear to ear mile after mile. 

Course Details:
Both courses are "out and back" style routes that both start and finish in the town of Gold Beach. The courses are mostly single track but they both have 5 miles of running on the shoulder of HWY 101(broken up into two 2.5 mile sections) 16 miles of running(if you can) on the sand(broken up into multiple smaller sections the longest two sections being about 4.9 miles). Because of all the miles on sand, which can vary from firm to very soft, these courses will be harder and slower than you would think just by looking at the elevation profiles. 

The 100K has about 6,650ft of elevation gain.

The 50M has about 5,000ft of elevation gain.